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Building & Plan

In the year before 1996 there was no building rule of the municipality but in the year 1970 municipality itself framed a building rule to restrict illegal construction of building .Now Municipal building Dept. is sanctioning building plans and trying to restrain illegal and unauthorized building to avoid inhuman habitats.

Documents Needed:

  1. Salable Building form
  2. Photo Copy of deed.
  3. Photo Copy of updated tax receipt.
  4. Photo Copy of porcha.
  5. Recommendation of councilor on building Plan.
  6. 3 copies of architectural and 3 copies in case of residential building plan up to 1st floor.
  7. 3 copies of architectural & 3 copies of structural design and calculation sheet of 3Storeyed. building and onwards.
  8. Assessment report on building form
  9. Plan singed by our enlisted planer or engineer.
  10. Soil Test for building with 3rd Floor or more